Understanding About Fund Management And Their Types


When investing in a managed fund, the money is pooled together with the other investors. The fund manager buys and sells assets, like bonds or shares, on your behalf. You do not own the investments, simply you own the units in the fund. Picking good managed fund services help manage the money within the company.

The value of the units in the fund rises and falls with the value of the assets. There are managed funds that pay income or distributions. There are types of managed funds to invest in and what to find the best-managed funds that work for you.

Choose managed fund type

There are several managed funds options available. It is important to understand the various types of funds, the risks, and the returns. So, choose a fund that meets the needs, such as:

  • Single asset managed funds. It is invested in a single assets class, such as:
    • shares
    • property or bonds


These are the main single asset managed funds to invest in:

  • Cash funds
  • Bond funds or fixed interest
  • Mortgage funds
  • Share (equity) funds
  • Property funds
  • Alternative investment funds
  • Multi-sector or mixed asset managed funds. The funds invest in a wide range of investments. It is labeled based on the investment types that make up the majority of the fund portfolio.

Employment Share Options Plan

An esop is a kind of employee benefit plan given to the employees of the company. The employees will receive the value of the shares from the trust, it is usually in the form of cash. It is similar to a profit-sharing plan. A company sets up a trust fund, which contributes new shares of its cash or stock to buy the existing shares.

The employment share options plan borrows money to buy existing and new shares with the company that makes cash contributions to the plan for repaying the loan.

The uses of the Employment Share Options Plan

  • Buy shares of a departing owner
  • Borrow money at a lower after-tax cost
  • Create additional employee benefits

There are five advantages of the plan:

  • Increased productivity
  • Alternate exit strategy for aging owners
  • Tax advantages
  • Attracting talent and employee retention
  • No change in governance

All these have a huge benefit when given by the company to the employees. As an employee, you can enjoy all these benefits and have the chance to become a part of the company’s shareholders. The given chance of owning an asset in the company is not forceful, it is up to the employee.